Kira Mei

unique, custom websites

Kira Mei

Designing and coding unique, custom websites

Hi! I'm Kira. I grew up in Boston, live in Los Angeles, and work professionally designing, building, and fixing custom websites. I care deeply about the quality of the work I produce, as well as my clients' experience throughout the entire process.

If you're looking for website help, I'd love to hear from you!

Project » BMB

Screenshot collage of band website I designed and coded

Brandon McCulloch Band - Details

Brandon is an LA-based singer-songwriter. He was looking for a website for his band, with the design being based around the band’s logo.

Key requirements for the website:

  • Unique appearance to set the website apart from websites built with templates and generic designs
  • Beautiful on all devices and screen sizes (desktop computers, smartphones, and everything in between)
  • Six pages (landing page, “about,” “media,” “store,” “contact”), plus social media links
  • Forms for customers to contact Brandon, as well as place orders for merchandise
  • Contact and purchase information to be stored for Brandon to be able to reference and update
  • Embedded audio files and YouTube videos, as well as a photo gallery
  • Links and information about the band’s upcoming shows and how to buy tickets